Welcome to the United Cattle Products supporters' site

United Cattle Products (U.C.P.) Ltd. was a chain of shops and restaurants in the North of England which specialized in tripe dishes. In the 1950s there were 146 restaurants.
In its 105 pages, this site recognizes the historic importance of U.C.P. in promoting tripe in the United Kingdom and its purpose is to help further support the culture of this traditional dish by collecting and sharing memories, documents and images related to the United Cattle Products Ltd.

This site is managed in collaboration with the Accademia della Trippa. If you have any material and want to contribute, please contact us here.
In Lancashire and other parts of the North of England in the 1950s there were 146 UCP shops-cum-restaurants specialising in tripe dishes and with long queues for seats. UCP stood (and still does at its single remaining outlet) for United Cattle Products, who also provided ox tail, cow heel and other bovine extremities in an age when little was wasted. Tripe was also sold in chip shops.
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This site is not operated by, sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with the United Cattle Products Ltd., their partners or sponsors. The United Cattle Products name, logos, and oval red sign are trademarks of the United Cattle Products Ltd. The design of UnitedCattleProducts.co.uk and UnitedCattleProducts.com is solely the responsibility of the webmasters of this site, and content does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the United Cattle Products Ltd. This site recognizes the historic importance of U.C.P. in promoting tripe in the United Kingdom and its purpose is to help further support the culture of this traditional dish by collecting and sharing memories, documents and images related to the United Cattle Products Ltd. for research, conservation and preservation purposes only.
Since December 2010 - ©
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